Filling A Very Real Need

How many times have you stood in the potato chip isle at the grocery store because you have the munchies and you can’t decide what flavour you want? Or you just simply can’t decide so you buy two different kinds.
Have you ever actually looked in your grocery cart to see stuff that you are buying that you don’t really need, but you are buying simply because you WANT it?
I know I am GUILTY, are you?
So many things we take for granted.
Today, the 18 Wheels of Christmas delivered $16,000.00 and 10 boxes of food to the Edmonton Food Bank, and it was the reality check I needed this holiday season. There were dozens of people coming in, most with young children in tow, to pick up their food hamper. And the numbers are quite staggering.
This year, in Edmonton alone, there are 15,000 individuals per month, involved in the food hamper program. Their numbers for the snack program are up to 410,000 individuals, up from the 350,000 individuals they had last year at this time.
The Edmonton Food Bank is at 81% of reaching their food goal and at 61% of reaching their monetary goal for their holiday campaign.
And there is still time to help out. This year’s holiday campaign ends January 9th. So please, I challenge you, while you are out finishing up your last minute Christmas shopping, and buying your groceries for your big Turkey feast, remember those that will go without this Christmas. Put a little something extra in your cart and drop it in the Food Bank donation box as you go through the exit.
Wishing you a safe and Happy Holiday Season.

Sandra Bottorff
18 Wheels of Christmas
Edmonton Coordinator

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Filling A Very Real Need
Filling A Very Real Need
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Rating : 4.5