December 7th
Another cold day and yet the 18 Wheels of Christmas team crawled out of their warm beds to be on time at the save on foods Panorama!!! Motor Rosenau parked the truck and the 18 Wheels trailer in front of the store before the doors opened. Janet, Kent, and Chris helped set everything up and were ready to greet the first customers. Once again when Santa appeared along with Skippy then the action started. Candy canes were handed out pictures taken with Santa and even Molly the puppy had her picture taken with Santa. Dale ,Colleen and Ken relieved the morning team and kept Santa and skippy company until it was time to close the trailer doors and head back to the stable.
The morning started off with a donation of 4 and 1 / 2 skids of water. (good thing the trailer is heated) and it was all easy peasy from there until the end of the day at 4PM. A steady stream of customers went through the doors and it would not be a hard stretch to say everyone was gracious and generous. Tony Klyne, the store manager, made sure we had hot beverages and sandwiches to keep our strength up. Tony checked on us to make sure we were ok and all was going well. It is a good thing there is a bit of a lobby before entering the store as it was bitter cold for most of the day.
We left Panorama with 14 skids of food and water 6 of these boxes filled with baby food. Unbelievable. Thank you to Al May for picking the truck and trailer up as Motor had to go to work on a hot shot.
December 14th will be our last stop before we head down to the food bank on the 19th.
Even Puppies love Santa !
Reviewed by malaria
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5