The Fluor Cares Committee invited 18 Wheels of Christmas back again for the fourth year to be a part of their Jeans’ Day Event for Food. The Fluor community never disappoints. We always leave in awe of the contributions as well as the sense of kindness exhibited by all who participate. The temperature outside was so cold (it was -27 when we arrived at 6:30am and it did not warm up) we could not be out in it for more than 5 minutes, the Fluor Cares volunteers saw this and invited us into the beautiful lobby served us coffee and hot chocolate and kept us inside for the 3 hours we are there.
To the volunteers of Fluor Cares: Vicky, Janice, Gail, Kerri, Diane, Sabrina, Garret, Asif, Brian, Sara, Robert, Michael, Talai, Steven, Kristen, Anirudh and Varun hats off to you all. The way you greet and make us feel a part of your team is awesome. We had so much fun with all of you. Thank you again for having us. Also as the picture shows you are never too old to believe in Santa and his helper Skippy.
This year totals 13 food collection boxes for approximately 2000 pounds and $3961.46. We will be purchasing a sizable amount of the much needed baby food with this donation. All of this to wear jean’s to work!!!!